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2019 World Record Day

Once again, the students at Illini Bluffs Elementary School are part of a new world record in sport stacking!

Current total - 638,668 and still counting

Along with our world record, we had 314 canned food items donated. 
Thank you for all your help!

2018 World Record Day

 2017 Speed Stacking World Record Day 

2016 World Record Day

World Record Day 11/12/15

Thank you to all the families that donated a can food item for our world record day. We had over 240 cans of food donated and used at our tower of cans stacking station.


World Record Day 2014

For the third year in a row, students at Illini Bluffs Elementary School help to establish a new world record in sport stacking!

Current total - 592,192 and still counting

Along with our world record, we had 197 canned food items donated. 
Thank you for all your help!

World Record Day 2013

Students at Illini Bluffs Elementary School help set new world record in sport stacking 
With help from 422 stackers at Illini Bluffs Elementary School, a new world record was set on November 14th as part of the 2013 STACK UP! According to the World Sport Stacking Association (WSSA), this year's event exceeded all expectations with 555,932 stackers taking part on Guinness World Records Day smashing the 2012 mark of 483,658. The stackers spanned the globe hailing from 30 countries and representing 2,631 schools and organizations. This is the eighth year the WSSA has teamed up with teachers, physical educators and youth leaders from around the world to set a Guinness World Record for "Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations in One Day." All stackers were required to be engaged in sport stacking and fitness activities for at least 30 minutes on November 14th.

***Update***-Canned Food Drive-180 cans donated!!!! Thank You!

We did it! Thanks to you we can chalk up a new Guinness World Record for "Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations in One Day." 

We passed last year's record of 483,658 at 12:50 pm MST on Sunday, and we are still counting. As of this writing, the number has exceeded our goal of 500,000, and verifications are still coming in. (Keep track by going to

World Record Day 2012
Congratulations IBES on a new world record!

New world record certain for STACK UP!
At exactly 1:59pm MST on Friday, November 16th, last year's record of 412,259 was broken.  Congratulations to all who participated in the 2012 STACK UP!  More than 2,600 schools and organizations representing some 30 countries from around the world registered for this year's colossal sport stacking event held on Guinness World Records Day, November 15th. 
Check out the websites below for more information
World Sport Stacking Association
Guinness Book of World Records


Sport stacking originated in the early 1980's in southern California and received national attention in 1990 on a segment of the "Tonight Show", with Johnny Carson. That was where it first captured the imagination of Bob Fox, who was then an elementary classroom teacher in Colorado.
Speed Stacks founder Bob Fox says, "When I first became passionate about sport stacking in 1995, a lot of people would hear about it and scratch their heads. Stacking a sport? The only way to explain it was to show them firsthand - sport stacking is truly something you have to see to believe! I absolutely love the challenge of turning skeptics into believers, and the list of stacking enthusiasts grows every day." 

Speed Stacks spreads nationally. In 1998, Bob was asked to present sport stacking to Texas. After a tremendous response Speed Stacks, Inc. 
was born as a small home business designed to promote sport stacking and be a resource to physical education teachers. And the sport continued to grow. Bob started traveling across the country to present stacking to fellow PE teachers, and in 2000, after 17 years of teaching, he decided to leave his school district to devote full time to Speed Stacks. The sport's popularity continues to grow exponentially. As of Summer-2007 more than 20,000 schools worldwide have a Speed Stacks program as part of their PE curriculum.  

What are the benefits of sport stacking? Kids don't need to be convinced about the benefits of sport stacking. They just plain love it (even your "way too cool for it" kids).  

For teachers and parents, we've always touted hand-eye coordination, quickness and ambidexterity. We now can substantiate those claims. A university study by Dr. Brian Udermann, currently at the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse, confirms that stacking improves hand-eye coordination and reaction time by up to 30 percent.  

Sport stacking helps students develop bilateral proficiency equal performance on both sides of the body. By increasing bilateral proficiency, a 
student develops a greater percentage of the right side of the brain, which houses awareness, focus, creativity and rhythm. Stacking helps train the brain for sports and other activities where the use of both hands is important, such as playing a musical instrument or using the computer. Sequencing and patterning are also elements of sport stacking, which can help with reading and math skills. 

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